so was set at 2 .2 bundles every 10 a , which was equivalent to 3% to 10% of the annual yield . 租は、田1段につき2束2把とされ、これは収穫量の3%~10%に当たった。
men or menai means the rate of koso (an annual tax ) to the kokudaka (the annual yield of a land ) in the edo period . 免(めん)とは免合/免相(めんあい)とも呼ばれ、江戸時代における石高に対する貢租の割合を指す。
in 1619 , mitsunobu wakebe entered the ise-ueno domain , ise province , being granted 20 ,000 koku (the unit showing the annual yield of rice ). 元和 (日本)5年(1619年)分部光信が伊勢国伊勢上野藩より2万石で入封した。
after participating in the conquest of kyushu started in 1586 , he was granted a total of 371 ,300 koku (the unit showing the annual yield of rice ) including the chikuzen province , chikugo province , and a county in the hizen province . 天正14年(1586年)からの九州征伐にも参加し、戦後に秀吉から筑前国・筑後国・肥前国1郡の37万1300石を与えられた。
1 kanmon = 2 koku (before the introduction of kokudaka system [tax and salary system based on the annual yield of rice by koku ], the warload ' s territory was sometimes rated with kandaka system [a system to measure the amount of rice production based on the land size by sen ]) . 1貫文 2石(武将の領地を、石高制になるまでは銭による貫高制で表すことがあった)