annual yield 意味

発音を聞く:   annual yieldの例文
  • 年間純益{ねんかん じゅんえき}、年間所得{ねんかん しょとく}、年間収入{ねんかん しゅうにゅう}、年収{ねんしゅう}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. so was set at 2 .2 bundles every 10 a , which was equivalent to 3% to 10% of the annual yield .
  2. men or menai means the rate of koso (an annual tax ) to the kokudaka (the annual yield of a land ) in the edo period .
  3. in 1619 , mitsunobu wakebe entered the ise-ueno domain , ise province , being granted 20 ,000 koku (the unit showing the annual yield of rice ).
    元和 (日本)5年(1619年)分部光信が伊勢国伊勢上野藩より2万石で入封した。
  4. after participating in the conquest of kyushu started in 1586 , he was granted a total of 371 ,300 koku (the unit showing the annual yield of rice ) including the chikuzen province , chikugo province , and a county in the hizen province .
  5. 1 kanmon = 2 koku (before the introduction of kokudaka system [tax and salary system based on the annual yield of rice by koku ], the warload ' s territory was sometimes rated with kandaka system [a system to measure the amount of rice production based on the land size by sen ]) .
    1貫文 2石(武将の領地を、石高制になるまでは銭による貫高制で表すことがあった)


        annual percentage yield:    年利◆【略】APY
        annual yield of the harvest:    年間農作物生産高{ねんかん のうさくぶつ せいさんだか}
        annual:    annual 歳歳 さいさい
        annual...:    annual... 一年生[医生]; 年周[基礎]; 年周[航宇]; 年[基礎]; 年[航宇]
        the yield:    the yield 収穫物 しゅうかくぶつ
        to yield:    to yield 生じる しょうじる 譲る ゆずる 屈する くっする
        to yield to:    to yield to 凹む へこむ 靡く なびく
        yield:     1yield n. 産出, 産出高; 生産額, 収穫; 利回り, 歩どまり. 【動詞+】 without affecting subsequent yields その後の産出高に影響することなしに boost yields in agriculture 農業の生産高を高める compute the yield on an investment 投資の利
        yield to:    yield to 伏 ふく
        annual (plant):    annual (plant) 一年草 いちねんそう 一年生 いちねんせい
        annual aberration:    年周光行差{ねんしゅう こうこうさ}
        annual account:    annual account 歳計 さいけい
        annual accounting:    年次決算{ねんじ けっさん}
        annual adjustment:    年末調整{ねんまつ ちょうせい}
        annual affair:    毎年恒例の行事{ぎょうじ}


  1. "annual weed" 意味
  2. "annual working expenditure" 意味
  3. "annual working hours" 意味
  4. "annual wrestling matches" 意味
  5. "annual year-end rush of holiday-makers" 意味
  6. "annual yield of the harvest" 意味
  7. "annual..." 意味
  8. "annualise" 意味
  9. "annualised" 意味
  10. "annual wrestling matches" 意味
  11. "annual year-end rush of holiday-makers" 意味
  12. "annual yield of the harvest" 意味
  13. "annual..." 意味

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